Care for your Tooth Enamel

By: Dr. Jeffrey A. Weller


Care For Your Tooth Enamel

Did you know that tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body? It’s true! Although, that doesn’t mean it is indestructible. You could be doing things everyday to weaken your enamel, leading to a higher risk of cavities, tooth discoloration, and sensitivity.

Tooth Enamel: A Protective Barrier


Enamel is the outer layer of the tooth and the first to defend the tooth against bacteria and harmful acids. Once enamel is damaged, it does not regenerate or have the ability to heal itself. Since enamel cannot be repaired, we want to give you tips on how to take care of your teeth and keep them strong!

Keeping Enamel Strong and Healthy


There are multiple things you can do to take care of your enamel and prevent it from eroding.

Be Careful Of What You Eat and Drink


Foods and beverages that are sugary, acidic, and/or starchy are the main culprits of weakening and eventually eroding tooth enamel. Food and drink rich in calcium help balance out the acids in your mouth and strengthen enamel. Calcium rich products include dairy, soybeans, sardines, and dark, leafy greens like kale.

The simplest advice to give is to eat healthy and cut back on sugar. Especially sugary drinks like soda which damages the tooth enamel due to its high sugar and acid content. When drinking something acidic and/or sugary, always use a straw!

Keep Hydrated


Drinking water prevents dry mouth throughout the day. It’s also good to rinse your mouth out after meals. This gets rid of food debris and stimulates flow of saliva. Saliva itself protects teeth and defends against bacteria. Even better, it contains calcium and phosphate, which helps build up tooth enamel.

Properly Brush and Floss Daily


Leaving bacteria-ridden plaque on the teeth for a long period of time produces acids that eat away at enamel. Regular brushing and flossing prevent plaque build up and get rid of food debris. Be careful not to aggressively brush your teeth, which will weaken enamel as time goes on.


Visit Your Dentist


Regular cleanings and exams are extremely important in maintaining healthy mouth. During your visits, we look for signs of tooth enamel wear, such as grinding your teeth and presence of cavities. We can give you advice on how to keep this under control in the future.

Help Your Teeth Out


Tooth enamel is protecting your teeth 24/7. Return the favor by taking care of your teeth. Have any questions? Comment below or send us a message!!

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